Tuesday, February 17, 2009


An update from 2-16-09:
Yesterday was Sherlock's second class in Intermediate Obedience Level I. Sherlock continues to live up to his given name. I am now convinced that he is in fact one of the smartest dogs alive. For the past week, Sherlock and I have been training for 45 minutes a day and working very hard on his on-leash heeling, sit-stays, down-stays, stand-stays, and come. He mastered the command DOWN this week. I always thought he knew it, but now I do the signal or say the word and he flies into the command, no questions asked.

Sherlock is by far the best dog in his class. They made the dogs do sit-stays, down-stays and stand-stays. He didn't move once, even when I circled back around him. He knew he had to just stay put and during his down-stays, he even rested his chin on the ground and just gave me these eyes that said, "yes, I can do this, but it's boring." The instructors commented on how great he performed and I overheard one instructor telling another instructor that Sherlock was in her basic obedience class and that he was a genius. I am just simply amazed how quickly he picks up on commands and how he is so eager to please.

Other exciting news: Sherlock turned 10 months old today, 2-17-09. He now weighs 11lbs and stands a hair under 11". My little baby is truly growing up.

Sherlock enjoying his "birthday" gifts:

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